Profil appartenant à Ekaterina Royz

The road to school. Textile picture book

The Road to School
My illustrated author's book.
Textiles, textile collage, embroidery.

Дорога в школу
Моя авторская книга-картинка.
Ткань, текстильный коллаж, вышивка. 
The whole night snow flakes are flying, whirling and quietly sinking to the ground.
I left my home in the morning and ended up in a snowy desert.
There was no one around me, only houses and knee-deep snow.
The first steps on a blanket of snow appeared behind my back.
Katya Royz
Fragments and details
Фрагменты и детали
Ideas, sketches and composition search.
Идеи, наброски и поиск композиции.
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The road to school. Textile picture book
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