The new autonomy

            The limit represents the beginning of every culture. It is perceived naturally in the built environment and within a conceptual context. The society of the Information has created a new dimension in the concepts of the individual and the collective space and in the boundaries that they occupy. Although city has not been morphologically transformed, it is characterized by an escalation of natural and virtual flows that connect all spaces. Moreover, the city is a collection of objects or buildings, but above all it is a relational entity, a network of flows that are visually and intangibly connected. Through the changes, that the concepts of individual and collective have undergone and the way they are expressed in the city, a new kind of typology has emerged, not in the naturally built environment, but in a transcendent one, ‘’of other space’’. The structure of this world is based on the images that are inside us, and with them we can understand it and construct it.  Ιn this place the limit cannot be given only architecturally, while the absolute limit of both the place and the individual is itself. In an era where we are talking about a space that can be either individual or collective, regardless of location and time, the only boundary between us and the world is ourselves. In this dynamic, complex and sensitive change the only true and unique connection is ourselves. In the transcendent space, individuals, disconnected from the world, are looking for a new autonomy, where they could be able to decide the principles by which to live in the simplest way and to seek within this their own boundary between them and the world.
The new autonomy

The new autonomy


Creative Fields