Cheni Lab's profile

2013 Campus Summer Science in pictures

2013 Campus Summer Science organized by CEI CSIC-UAM and co-organized by the UCCUAM (Unit for Scientific Culture of the UAM) and supported by MICINN, FECYT and “Fundación la Caixa”.

The activity “Explorando la materia con un acelerador de iones"  was carried out within 2013 Campus Summer Science”, organized by CEI CSIC-UAM and co-organized by the UCCUAM (Unit for Scientific Culture of the UAM) and supported by MICINN, FECYT and “Fundación la Caixa”, Students 1st high school and 4th ESO had the opportunity to know a high-tech facility and they could familiarize with its use and the physical principles that govern it, using the electrostatic ion accelerator and other facilities for a demo application.

The photographs were taken during the programme and it was used to promote the event on the social networks, the research centre website and UAM.

Photos by: Cheni

Photomontages created for a slide-show used on the website to promote The 2013 Campus Summer Science

2013 Campus Summer Science in pictures

2013 Campus Summer Science in pictures

Photograps taken during the programme and which was used to promote the event on social networks, the research centre website and UAM.
