Hasan Saied's profile

Google animation

How many times are you checking your Gmail Inbox per day?
 Or monitoring your campaigns on Google ads?
And other google products that we are using daily
which are indispensable, even We memorized their logos
byheart and sometimes enjoy loading time to see their animation 

But what if we add some simple and energetic animation?
In this project I used the Physical techniques in their motion
out of the theory “Less is more”
It also reflects my personal animation style.

  Google Ads  •
Google Ads (Adwords) is an online advertising platform developed, where advertisers bid to display ads and service offerings on both the results of search engines and youtube.

•  Google Account  •
Google Account is a user account that is required for managing your personal info, privacy, security options and access to different online Google services such as Gmail, Drive, and many others.

•  Google Assistant  
Google Assistant is an AI–powered virtual assistant that is available on mobile and smart home devices. Ask it questions. Tell it to do things always ready to help whenever you need it.

  Google Microphone  
Google Voice Search Assistant makes your searches for any content you need faster and easier than ever to search apps, web search, or image search. Enjoy!

•  MovEmEnt Paths  ​​​​​​​

•  Page Loading​​​​​​​  ​​​​​​​

T H A N K  Y O U


Google animation

Project Made For

Google animation

How many times are you checking your Gmail Inbox per day?  Or monitoring your campaigns on Google ads? And other google products that we are usi Read More
