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Tiktok video-filming equipment

 Is BarBuilt Worth the Hype?
Being on TikTok is like a race! A race everyone wants to win and stand out. Well, you may have seen your favorite TikTokers having gorgeous feed & chances are...you’re scratching your head to bring the same video quality to yours…

Well, the reality is...you don’t need to have super expensive phones or cameras...yes! With these super cool and cheap accessories, you can not only make your videos oh-so-pro but can grab so many followers in no time!!

Come let’s check them together!!!

Ring Light

Ring lights have recently gained a lot of popularity in the TikTok realm. It adds so much glam and so much drama to your videos, so its a must buy thingyy!!
However, I have seen ring lights being crazy expensive..an accessory that not everyone can afford. Well, this one from Samy’s Camera is a nice and affordable option to look at.  It’s only 89 bucks + you will get instant discount + free shipping via these Samy’s Camera coupons, so make sure you hit them!

Tripod stand 

Using a tripod is always a safe bet! It takes care that your phone and your light isn’t shaking that ends up giving videos a pro touch. Just mount your phone and your light on there and you’re good to go!
They’re super cheap online... for under 80 bucks, you will get a great deal from Adorama (use Adorama coupons for discount)

Slim Panel LED Light  

This Video Light is a light, thin, panel covered in LED lights. It is powerful enough to be used as the main light and, because it is LED, it has a long lifespan and the prices aren’t so scary. 

Cell phone lens 

If you want to take your videos to the next level, buy a cell phone lens.
These tiny lenses turn your iPhone into a DSLR but without the bulk. Just fix your phone on a tripod, fix your lens on the camera and you can literally get the DSLR experience. 

Tiktok video-filming equipment

Tiktok video-filming equipment
