Ian William Galloway 的个人资料

The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning

Theatre, National Theatre Wales, dir: John E McGrath
Edinburgh Festival, 2013
Bradley Manning is the 24-year old US soldier accused of releasing 250,000 secret embassy cables and military logs from the Iraq and Afghan wars. National Theatre Wales 2012 production, for which Tim Price won the inaugural James Tait Black prize for Drama, was sent to the Edinburgh Fringe in 2013. I was asked to create a new video design for the show, shown across the four monitor banks that comprise the set.
While the show previously featured scene locations shown on a bank of monitors, we expanded their use greatly. Text was avoided if at all possible, allowing the audience to recognise the locations though simple images, views from windows and, most strikingly, 30 fluttering US flags through all the brutal boot camp scenes.
In addition, the show was netcast and live mixed every night through a four camera rig, available to watch for free on the NTW site. The opening performance was hosted by the Huffington Post.
Video Designer - Ian William Galloway
Original AV - Dan Trenchard
Digital Media / Streaming Design - Tom Beardshaw
The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning

The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning

Theatre, 2013, Edinburgh Festival
