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Film Adaptations of Classic Russian Lit Available On

Film Adaptations of Classic Russian Lit Available On Netflix or Amazon Prime
Classics have the tendency to open different perspectives to the world. They offer more than just a sweet story. You get to learn about history, philosophy, and culture through a different perspective. But sometimes and especially now, people do not have all the time to commit to books considering the length of classics. People either opt for an audiobook version or film adaptation. Here is a list of some of the best film adaptations that you should not miss.

Anna Karenina (2012)
Based on – Anna Karenina
Author – Leo Tolstoy
Year of Release – 1878

Where to Watch – Netflix and Amazon Prime
Anna Karenina is considered one of the best books ever written. This masterpiece paints a picture of the Russian society where a woman dares to leave her loveless marriage for an illicit love. Fyodor Dostoevsky, who is considered as another titan of Russian literature, described the book as a “flawless work of art.” The film starring Keira Knightley is a must-watch.

Based on – The Brothers Karamazov
Author – Fyodor Dostoevsky
Year of Release – 1880
Where to Watch – Amazon Prime

Fyodor Dostoevsky had an immense influence on 20th-century fiction and The Brothers Karamazov is the book that was written by him. His narrative genre was usually psychological realism, and with this book, he writes about a love affair that is distributed in a triangle, exploring eroticism. The movie was produced by Pandro S. Berman and nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role.

THE DOUBLE  (2014)
Based on – The Double
Author – Fyodor Dostoevsky
Year of Release – 1846

Where to watch – Netflix and Amazon Prime
The Double’s adaptation is a more recent one. The film is about a government clerk who believes that he has been visiting his clone and gradually goes mad. The Double is considered to be one of the most Gogolesque works of Dostoevsky.
LOLITA (1962)

Based on – Lolita
Author – Vladimir Nabokov
Year of Release – 1955
Where to watch – Netflix and Amazon Prime
Lolita is a book that was way ahead of its time. Vladimir Nabokov has a brilliant style of writing, where he influences his readers’ minds into agreeing with him. Directed by Stanley Kubrick, the movie had a sly comedic touch.

Based on – The Seagull
Author – Anton Chekov
Year of Release – 1896

Where to watch  – Amazon Prime

The Seagull is a movie that dramatizes the artistic conflict between four characters who are a fading actress, her son, her lover, and her ailing brother. The movie is promising and does justice to Chekov’s work.
This concludes our list of the most interesting movie adaptations of classic Russian literature.

I’m Anny. I’m a social media manager living in USA. I am a fan of technology, design, and music. I’m also interested in fitness and movies. You can attend my event with a click on the button above.

Film Adaptations of Classic Russian Lit Available On

Film Adaptations of Classic Russian Lit Available On
