Tainá Ceccato's profileNata Suu's profile

Tutorial Videos for Freeletics

Content Team
Art direction . Tainá Ceccato
Video direction . Alan Alves and Sabrina Gaber
Internal production . Sabrina Gaber
Production studio . In Motion
Photography . Enes Kucevic and Loris Gleixner
Video edit . Patrick Franz
Creative direction . Guillaume Champeau

Product Team
UX/UI . Nata Suu
Development . Arno Schneider, Dmytro Khmelenko, Robert Zelhofer, Timo Loewe, Sebastian Neubauer, Wesley Wong
Project Management . Nata Suu
Product Owner . Julián Genoud
Coach . Thomas Falda

Tutorial Videos for Freeletics

Tutorial Videos for Freeletics
