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Artstation Character Design Challenge June 2020

Artstation Character Design Challenge - Lightbox Expo: Box of Mystery

The World
In this world a lot of places are still unexplored and most of them are filled with mysterios recources and treasures. Those places are alluring to people to search for them. One of the recources are stones with mystiros power. People are using them to enhance thier equipment and bring objects to live.

The Leader
Tanhee Robberts is the leader of a group of explores. She is responicible for the wellbeign of her crew and the goods that they retrieve. With her lance she's protecting her crew from danger. The stones in her lance are giving blade a higher reach. They also can be used to spend light. 

The Seroius
Thomas West is an engineer and stone specilist. He is able to build weapons, equipment and tools, that are working toghether with magical stones. West is able to to identivy diffetent types, strength and quality of stones. Once he was careless and lost his arm due to an accident. Now he knows the risk and makes sure his failure never repeats. He is part of Tanhees crew. He used to travel with her but now with is age he prevers to stay home and examines the stones when Tanhee comes back with the goods.

The Brave
Amery George is member of Tanhees crew. She's a very good friend of Tanhee. Together they make sure, that other and less stronger members are save. She tence to be loud and jumps right into any confrontation. The stones in her hammer and gloves are giving her a higher reach and brutal strengh. 

The Joyfull
Lady Carrie Stewart is a young and rich women. Despite her position in socity she is a huge fan of golemancy. Lady Stewart builds stone creatures and gives them live with magical stones. The stones that she wears are giving her a better conrol of those in her builds. She dosen't care about what others are thinking of her and likes to fool around.

 The creature
As mankind found ot about teh power of cristals, they started to craft and enhance metrials to improve the power of tools weapons etc. One of the oldest craftsmanship was golemancy. People started to build their own statues and put in some cristals to give their consturction live. The use of those golems were diferse. Some used them as a helping hand for chores, others would use them to fight and defend themselfes.
Hank is a golem made by Lady Stewart. He is protecting her and assist her. He doesn't have an own mind.

The Mischevous
Sir Regan Nicholson is rich tradesman. He sponsors and orders Tanhees crew to explore and mines for his tressured magical stones. He build his buisness of mining and selling those powerfull stones. Nicholson doesn't like to share his goods. Forceful and without respect of other peoples live he is pushing the explorers to their limits sending them to dangeres places.
Artstation Character Design Challenge June 2020

Artstation Character Design Challenge June 2020
