Profil Cátia Moura

Growth & Evolution Open Call 2019

We are one global tribe finding our way to the future in a sustainable way.
The future of jewellery is sustainability.

This piece brings to the future, past traditions in sustainable ways.
Tusk jewellery often symbolizes strength of character, worn by tribal leaders to represent their status and wisdom.
In nowadays, society signs of success are not how to survive in the jungle but how to make the planet survive by implementing sustainable ways.
The “Tribal Awareness” necklace brings past symbols (tusk necklaces) to the future by introducing new materials.
The central metal piece shaped as a crescent moon is made of tapped brass. This symbolises society´s dependence of metal being tapped into our subconscious. 
The pieces dangling on the crescent moon are today’s embodiment of the animal tusks. They are a combination of chopsticks and barbecue wooden skewers. Mankind´s desire for takeout overcomes their need to hunt.
The crescent moon is linked to a brass chain, which is attached to bits of black leather strings. These are joined by brass wire hook clasps. This illustrates how we are “chained” and “hooked” to our convictions.

Growth & Evolution Open Call 2019


Growth & Evolution Open Call 2019

We are one global tribe finding our way to the future in a sustainable way. The future of jewellery is sustainability.
