Sheep Bank

The sheep bank was designed for a holiday show at Home & Planet in Bethlehem, PA. Home & Planet not only celebrates local artists, but they also support sustainability. By molding industrial grade felt (off cuts from Bethlehem's Aetna Felt Corporation factory), the sheep bank provides an efficient alternative to the common piggy bank.
Inspired by felt's ability to be molded into a permanent form, the product becomes flexible and rigid. The felt was molded into the shape with hot water and a hydraulic press.
top half molds
bottom half molds
The molds were made by modeling a generic sheep shape in 3D Studio, then slicing it into 3/16 inch thick sections to be laid out in AutoCAD for the laser cutter. Then, the pieces were laminated together.
Sheep Bank

Sheep Bank

The sheep bank keeps your money safe in an environmentally friendly fashion.
