From the lucky Summer of 2020

In this Summer I trained myself in Cinema4D with a small series of videoclip about that strange moments we were living. 

With this short movie I won the Digital Design Award of the Week, in 09.27.2020, and a Motion Award - Video of the Week, in 10.26.2020

—  Stillframes

—  Opening 3D BTS
The sea is generated by an awesome free plugin called Hot4D.

—  Opening compositing
I have imported in After Effects the frames of this scene, where the sea is semi-flat.
Then I have extrated by chromakey technique some layers to add more effects like the sparks on the waves, shadows and the wet-effect on the sand.

—  Social distance bts

—  "Bather" Cinema 4D study
To rig the character I have used Bendy Limb Rigs plugin

—  Awards

—  Credits
Concept / animation / sound design :: Mauro Mason
Music :: Meowfield

Thanks for watching ; )
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From the lucky Summer of 2020
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From the lucky Summer of 2020

In this Summer I trained myself in Cinema4D with a small series of videoclip about that strange moments we were living. Enjoy :)

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