As Chief Curator for the app content, I lead the entire content section on the TTT app. I’ve been involved in the app since the initial product building stage contributing from a content perspective.

My responsibilities were primarily

Curating and creating 200+ mini-books for the app.

Commissioning/discovering writers and work with them to create content basis data trends.

Creating the content architecture and strategy for the app. This included writing the display and placeholder messages and developing a tone of voice for the app.

Working with designers to create book covers and promotional content

Keeping 100k+ creators engaged through prompts and challenges.

Writing and create engaging promotional content for features and mini-books.
These mini-books (Bundles) are collections with chapters that you can read and listen to. Think of it like Netflix but for reading.

I curated TTT’s existing content and created 200+ mini-books to feature in the Original section of the app.

Besides this I’ve curated mini-books created by the app users and featured them as well.

I've also commissioned content from some writers and spoken word artists and featured them on the Originals section.

Here's what the TTT Originals section looks like on the app.
After a mini-book was ready to be featured, I’d craft a brief for the design team basis the elements of the story, to give them a direction for the cover. 

Below are some of the beautiful covers created by the design team.
I’d also create prompts to keep the writing community engaged everyday. 

These were of two types- Bundle (mini-book) prompts and normal single post prompts.

These would be accompanied by engaging push notifications that I'd craft too.
I also wrote the entire promotional content for the app across social platforms. These included posts, videos and emailers. 

Below are the CTA slates that went out with our Instagram posts.
I’ve also written a ton of promotional material for Instastories to promote the mini-books and the new features on the app. Below are some of the activities and videos whose scripts I wrote.
The design team brought them to life beautifully.
TTT App | Chief Curator
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TTT App | Chief Curator

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