Primal Wear Redesign

Primal Wear is a cycling clothing company. They wanted to update their look to be edgier, and engaged a design firm in Los Angeles, Lambesis, for their rebranding. The rebranding was a complete rethinking of the company's presence. They provided a comprehensive website review and style guide that we used for guidance.

This being a re-branding of the existing site, there was little to update as far as Information Architecture.

The style guide was thorough and saved us a great amount of time. Since I was the only UX/UI person on staff, it was not possible for the user research to be done in-house. I focused mainly on Usability, particularly addressing responsive issues that had made the previous mobile experience unsatisfactory, and User Interface and Interaction Design.

The style guide was focused rebranding, provided a high-level overview with  ideas for color schemes, typography,  and  high-level branding. There were a couple pages devoted to the overall design patterns for the website, but they focused on the desktop. There was quite a bit less direction—practically none—regarding mobile views. One of the top problems I was to address was the responsive design and lack thereof, so the mobile views were where I spent a good amount of working up concepts and time wire framing.
Based off the style guide, I created sketches of pages and user flows that I presented to the Marketing Manager for approval.
Sketch of links between pages within a category. 

I showed desktop and mobile views together to think through how DOM elements would change ​​​​​​​
Sketch for Product Page, showing both Desktop and Mobile views. I called out objects with Bootstrap class names where possible.

I sketched out other main pages using design patterns based off the style guide from Lambesis.
Home Page photo grid
Category Layout
From there, the concepts were refined, and I created Hi-Fi wireframes using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Home Page
Category Page, Women's
Product Page showing product details
Since I am a designer who can also sling code, I then built out the pages using the Bootstrap framework.

Here's how the Home Page turned out.
Primal Wear Redesign

Primal Wear Redesign
