Spiritualize it 

Spiritually uplifting thoughts are needed to sustain your everyday sadhana or discipline. In the last year I have revolve around some key point that are part of the raja yoga path. So I encountered myself unconsciously linking some of this concepts with the western world and their brands, always with respect to both of them. 

01 / Aum
The Aum symbol is a visual representation of the cosmic vibration. It’s also known as Holy Ghost and part of the holy trinity symbolized in Hindu Scriptures – Aum, Tat, Sat–. Aum is the vibration that permeates everything in this manifested creation.
02 / Spirituality
Expectation is a trap in people’s lives, we identify ourself with some imaginary situation and if things don’t turn out the way we want them to, we get frustrated. I think is better to try to apply the opposite, give more, expect less. Also, I find it funny because we will never have this mind set when we go to buy something in a store.
03 / Self Control
A tough one. It is a very precious spiritual soul quality to have and the western culture usually falls short in the sexual aspect of it (not to be mistaken with repression).
04 / Let Go
When we have expectations and things don’t turn out the way we want to, the best is just to let go. Ultimately, let go of our false self, the ego. 
05 / Surrender
I think that surrender many times can be mistaken with slothfulness, but it’s totally the opposite. Surrender requires un unflinching will and determination to be sustained, but it must be aligned with wisdom. 
Spiritualize it

Spiritualize it
