ZEROHERO SETS' main goal is to help the environment. 
The sets contain useful items yet recyclable and reusable,
as well as 
mini gift sets to inspire interest.

My task was to create naming and branding, develop packaging,
landing page and
advertising campaign.

The metaphor of
«tracks» was chosen as the main style theme.
For instance, on the landing page products appear and disappear 
without a trace as they should in real life.
Present sets in furoshiki
Furoshiki is a Japanese technique for wrapping things in cloth for carrying, storing, or as a gift packaging.
In the project, this technique is used for the environmentally friendly wrapping.
zero waste sets
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zero waste sets

ZEROHERO SETS' main goal is to help the environment.  The sets contain useful items yet recyclable and reusable, as well as mini gift sets to ins Ver mais

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