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Concentration Camp Music Festival

All big festivals that have ever happened out of a global social cause, has had a story that has provided the motivation and reassurance of what a huge gathering mass is capable of. From what which can be described as a shocking turn of events, from the echoes of those dying laughters, Here are the posters of "Concentration Camp Music Festival"

"Concentration Camp" is a full-fledged music festival that reaches out to all. Bringing together artists from various trades. Performing to bring about harmony and unity that's already a valuable part of the society. Concentration Camp Music Festival initiated as a crowdfunding event, with band Avial headlining the event, the show hosted by four other fiery bands - Chaos (legendary thrash metal act) Eettillam (Malayalam rock), Olam (instrumental post-rock), and Collective Conscious (experimental). The entire festival organized as per the green protocol.

Concentration Camp Music Festival
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Concentration Camp Music Festival

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