Colette Hillcoat-Searle's profile

Greenpeace Marketing Campaign: Consumerism

Greenpeace Marketing Campaign: Consumerism
University project, created in 6-weeks
This project is about the effects of consumerism on the environment. I created three illustrations for a conceptual animated social media advert, aimed at women. Unfortunately, women are a major contributor to environmental damage due to purchasing habits that expose waste and dangerous chemicals to the natural environment. Women buy basic consumer goods, such as food, health items, clothing and household products more often than men.

After researching several environmental charities with the aim to align my project with a sponsor, I came across Greenpeace and their controversial Rang-Tan campaign against dirty palm oil. The animation was created in a manor that made it look like a children’s book or cartoon, but the imagery was shocking and contrasted dramatically with the innocent child-like drawings. I decided that their bold and controversial advertising style aligned well with the message I wanted to portray with my illustrations.The illustrations were drawn traditionally using pencil, and then scanned and the colours added digitally in Adobe Photoshop.
Illustration 1 The Bottle Scene
Illustration 2 The Dead Ocean Scene
Illustration 3 The Dystopian World Scene 
Character design, from initial concepts to final design
Greenpeace Marketing Campaign: Consumerism

Greenpeace Marketing Campaign: Consumerism
