Profil użytkownika „Valeriia Vapelnyk”

Concept of La Piana Square

Design Team: 
Serra Gokkaya
Valeriia Vapelnyk
The project site is located in Italy, Milan - La Piana Square. It is a square that has no landscape design, full of concrete with only some trees in one area. Despite the lack of artificial designed landscape, furnishing, and any organization, thanks to the users of the square and people around neighbourhood, the place had gained a collective memory through time. It all started with a person’s intention to paint cracked concrete pavement with some flowers. It became a common activity that involved local users and then a tradition. Time after time, with different shapes and colors people turn this vast concrete square to a place that they enjoy editing, and with time the process of painting itself also became a part of this square. Generally, it is the roof of the parking below, but for the enthusiasm of the community, that place became a square and needs to lure people to spend time there and enjoy some activities. It contributes to the definition of constantly changing with the time, with holidays, with blooms...
Sketch of the Concept
Concept development
Masterplan option 1
Masterplan option 2
Model experiment 1
Model experiment 2
Making experiments help to feel and understand better how lightweight structures work. First experiment gives a comprehension of the form creation, will it work or not, if the soap bubble will be created during the work, such system can exist in real world. To make it possible the cotton shouldn’t be in tension, but it has to be knotted good to the wooden sticks. The soap water needs to be without any foam, so when the model will be dipped there the tension between cotton will appear and make such a fascinating effect. The second experiment gives a perception of how the structure works and whether there is a need to add “cables” to produce better stability or having canted sticks is enough. The fabric needs to be in tension all the time and to save it in the right condition glue on the edges is used.
Concept of La Piana Square

Concept of La Piana Square
