"Northern Exposure" - Watercolour pencil and graphite pencil
Original Artwork by NIck Laferriere

A depiction of a brook trout from God's River, MB.
"Rainbow Release" - Watercolour pencil and graphite pencil
Original Artwork by Nick Laferriere

A rainbow trout being revived after an epic battle. 
"Hookjaw on the Move" - Watercolour pencil and graphite pencil
Original Artwork by Nick Laferriere
-owned by April Vokey

2014 Manitoba Fisheries Enhancement Stamp entry - Watercolour pencil
Original Artwork by Nick Laferriere
"Steelhead Dreams" - Watercolour Pencils
Original artwork by Nick Laferriere
-artwork is featured on April Vokey's Flygal T-shirts and Hoodies
"Amazon Assault"
Watercolour Pencil
Commission piece
Fine Art Pieces

Fine Art Pieces

A collection of fine art pieces I've done over the past couple years.
