Week 5 - Self Portraits 
Reference Photo
I chose a monochromatic yellow because it is a very loud and vibrant colour and conveys happiness or friendliness, but also is a representation of anxiety. This represents my as I have a very vibrant and bubbly personality, but I can also be quite anxious in pressures situations. I also think its interesting how quickly yellow can lose it’s vibrancy when black it added to create a darker shade, and it turns a gross colour, which also reflects on myself if I do not prioritise my mental health.
Layers Portrait
For this portrait, I wanted to use layers create the image, simply because I think people are deeper than most realize, including me. The layers were created by roughly painting sheets, and then cutting out relevant shapes. I again used the yellow monochromatic colour scheme. I also like how the portrait turned out as the layers are inverted compared to the actual depth of the face, which looks quite cool. To improve, I could have used a Stanley knife rather than scissors to cut out the shapes in order to create more specific details.
Clothes Portrait
I love dressing well and uniquely to express the person I am, so I made a self portait out of the things which I use to express myself. I payed attention to the different shapes, colours and shades of some of the clothing I have, and settled with a brown, monochromatic colour scheme. The portrait ended up quite abstract, but defiantly identifiable as a face, although it is not identifiable as myself.  
Biophilic Portrait
Nature is something I have recently been trying to incorporate into my days, after reading of the positive health impacts of nature on oneself. I decided to make a portrait made out of nature to acknowledge that I am apart of nature. I chose different shades and colours to construct my face, choosing the natural looking green and yellow leaves from around my house. To improve this, maybe I could have taken the picture with natural light rather than flash, as this would have shown the differences in colour and shape more effectively. 
Home Portrait
I decided to create a portrait of the random objects around my house because these things are when gets me through the day/week/month, and are sort of apart of me in a way. I chose a black, brown and grey colour scheme as these colours are the majority of things I own. I think the portrait turned out well, and defiantly resembles the original reference portrait. To improve, maybe I could have found some objects with different shades in order to add details. 

Soap Portrait
As a person, I love being clean and having a clean surrounding, possibly more than most. I love getting out of the shower and feeling clean and fresh. I decided to reflect this be creating a portrait out of soap. I found a yellow soap to match the original yellow monochromatic colour scheme for the same reasons of reflecting my personality. I mixed the yellow soap with black to create different shades, and used glue as lines for the soap to sit in and stay in place. Although quite messy, the final portrait definitely resembles the reference portrait but conveys its own message. So improve, I could have made the portrait larger to create extra details not possible with the small space. 
Week 5 Portraits

Week 5 Portraits


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