Olivia Bowen sin profil

KVB222 A1 Week 5 Olivia Bowen

 Assessment 1: Online blog 
Artist Research 
John Bisbee - Only Nails 2015

Only Nails by John Bisbee is an installation piece that predominantly uses repetition to create a interesting and valuable spatial experience. This installation consists of thousands of metal nails welded along a single winding axes. the repetition of the nails along this axes creates something that looks like a coiled, never ending snake skeleton. Interval has been created in the negative space between each of the nails, which further reinforces the perception of a skeleton. The scale and well thought out structure of this piece is overwhelming, and is ultimately what makes the piece so effective. 
Physical Task 1.7 Interval + Repetition 
The purpose of this physical task was to explore the concepts of repetition and interval. For the site we chose the base of a Leopard Tree in Chauvel Place. Looking at elements within this site we noticed that there were many natural elements that could be copied and repeated. Upon further inspection we noticed that the bark of the Leopard Tree had a lot of repetitive colours and shapes and thought it would be interesting to see how could these textures, colours and shapes could be extended to the ground plane. In order to mimic the shapes and textures of the bark we teared up pieces of brown cardboard, thin pieces of scrap pieces of MDF board and left over butchers paper. The teared edges of these materials help create similar textures and shapes to those of the bark. In order to secure these shapes in place we used small left of pieces of wire and pushed the into the ground. The arrangement of these materials on the ground plane is suppose to mimic the root system of the tree below the surface. The repetition of the shapes and colours of the bark onto the ground surface introduces the concept of connection and continuation and enforces the idea that a there is a whole series of connected and intertwined networks beneath our feet that a lot of us are completely oblivious to.  ​​​​​​​
I thought it could also be interesting to see what this concept would like if continued/extended to other areas of the courtyard. Using photoshop I created an image that represents the continuation of these shapes onto the concerted pathways of the courtyard. Expanding the reach this concept and repeating the process in other areas of the courtyard could help enhance and solidify the meaning and purpose of this design. 
Virtual Task 1.8 Interval + Site 
Is to be continued through entire site 

Using Google Sketch up a model of Chauvel Place was created in order to help visualise the installation at full scale. I was inspired by the wider surrounding context of Chauvel Place, specifically the Brisbane River the curved forms and lines within this installations are inspired by the curves of the Brisbane River. The Brisbane river and Brisbane city is in very close vicinity to the site and is a large tourist attraction and identifier of Brisbane city. I thought it may be interesting to see how I could bring elements of the sites context back onto the site. For this sculpture I used a map of the Brisbane rive and used it as an underlay to get the curves. I thought about constructing various sized walls along these lines instead, however, I found that approach wasn't very effective and closed off the site. Instead, I used the circle tool and drew a large number of circles that varied in size. I then extruded each of the circles however, I decided that it would make a better spatial experience if they were all at varying heights. The repetition of the cylinders helps create a volume or mass that guides the audience and space. The intervals in the wall and variation in height allows people to move freely throughout the site and view the installation from various perspectives which heightens the overall spatial experience. 
KVB222 A1 Week 5 Olivia Bowen

KVB222 A1 Week 5 Olivia Bowen
