Crystal Carpenter 的个人资料

Jewel of the Deep - Working Title

I acquired a deer skull. It's beautiful, but delicate! I had to be careful with this one.
I was inspired by an ocean theme. For the first step, I played with blue and white paint, using gouache and acrylic.
I further emulated dramatic waves splashing up the sides of the skull.
A shimmer topcoat really made the blue and white of the ocean pop!
I decided to contrast the ocean with a sunset. Here comes the base coat!
Now for some darker orange and red.
And blending! I had to be SUPER careful when I got into the sinuses, since they are VERY delicate!
The contours of the skull really leant themselves well to the shaping of the waves. <3
Now the waves have gloss, and oooooh, they're gorgeous!
Final shots! The sunset got a shimmer topcoat, as well. Glossy!
The top view almost has a marine reptile vibe to me - what do you think?
Ahh, gorgeous!
Jewel of the Deep - Working Title

Jewel of the Deep - Working Title
