Perfil de Nina Gao

Design Workflows - Superstudio


A drawing of the world around you as an anonymous megastructure

Superstudio was founded in 1966 by Adolfo Natalini & Cristiano Toraldo in Florence, Italy.
Then was later joined by Gian Piero Frassinelli, Alessandro and Roberto Magris, Alessandro Polli. 
Superstudio was a collective belonging to the Italian avant-garde of the 1960s. According to Baan (2011) This architectural firm was founded during an era that consisted of monumental 'political, economic, environmental and social issues, an existential crisis⁣, therefore, Superstudio responded to these circumstances and developed⁣ their anti-architectural proposals as a way to mediate space.

Superstudio's key principal concept was to apply a grid system as an overlay to the urban context in which every point on the grid was the same as any other point and people existed equally. Ideally the concept of the grids would make the totality of our planet habitable. It was to be the ultimate manifestation of a democractic experience (Woodhouse, 2016). Within their techniques, they also tried to influence people to try and understand the movement they were going for which involved 'the order on earth'. Furthermore Superstudio describes the grid to be a 'symbol of fabrication' (Natalini, 1970). They say their structure they use in the images looks artificial as it 'holds its own determinacy and potentiality.

As you can see above, their highly theoretical and conceptual drawings from the Continuous Monument Series (1969) illustrated their belief that by extending a single piece of grid drawn architecture as an overlay over the natural environment they could put cosmic order on the earth. Alternatively stated, they never made any physical buildings, but instead proposed the eye catching idea of 'anti-architecture' and the relationship between nature and hypothetical megastructures. (Melt, n.d). I have drawn in the single point perspective and leading lines that your eyes follow when you gaze across their work. Their wortranscends the physical realm and is on the intersection between Global abstraction and local specificity. Superstudio explores the spatial configurations that will accommodate the desired energy transition and a more sustainable future. Melt (n.a) further quotes that “Their idea was one of a 'Supersurface'. A kind of all-consuming monolithic structure, pertaining towards a society of hyper-connectivity and networked energy. Superstudio saw that the dichotomy between the natural environment and the linear presence of the 'Continuous Monuments' for example, contained within their very nature a paradox. Whilst some of the structures have the ominous air of a dystopic future, potentially threatening to remove their inhabitants from nature, the problem is revoked as nature itself becomes part of the structure by way of surface reflection; trapped within the architectural materials.”​​​​​​​

In 1968 Natalini established 3 categories of research:
+ Architecture of the Monument
+ Architecture of the Image
+ Technomorphic Architecture
“If design is merely an inducement to consume, then we must reject design; if architecture is merely the codifying of bourgeois model of ownership and society, then we must reject architecture; if architecture and town planning is merely the formalisation of present unjust social divisions, then we must reject town planning and its cities...until all design activities are aimed towards meeting primary needs. Until then, design must disappear. We can live without architecture."

- Adolfo Natalini (1971)

I have implemented key concepts from Superstudio’s designs. This consists of continuous grid-like systems with perspective and their somewhat psychedelic analog collage-style into my finals. I was able to use these grid designs within my drawn greenhouse inspired buildings. As a result, I was able to showcase the idealistic landscape of a Utopian or Dystopian future as a paradox depending on what the viewers attitude is. The juxtaposition between the natural landscape and manmade monument creates a balance which Superstudio provokes.​​​​​​​

I had been able to achieve this by firstly collating my analog collages by collecting psychedelic analog collage-style photos and photoshopped them onto one another by utilising the magic selection tool and copy and pasting. Superstudio have placed an emphasis on natural elements such as mountains and people which I have utilised within my designs. This was an enjoyable and interesting process for me. I then further drew perspective drawings and then started visualising them within my collages. I utilised pencil on paper as a means to be able to overlap them and give the buildings a transparent look by altering it through photoshop.

What was particularly challenging during this design journey was implementing all the knowledge and skills that I have acquired on Photoshop. Often, I found myself researching Google and YouTube for tutorials on Photoshop processes. 

Superstudio uses the grid and the grid structure to create an overcoat that would make the totality of our planet habitable. This avant-garde style is continuous and is a consistent technique being utilised throughout their works. I was able to implement Superstudio’s concept and technique within my own drawings. 

Within my first drawing, I used a single-point perspective to create a semi-transparent structure. It can be seen that my structure is gigantic in stature, covering a significant proportion of the field. I added shadows to both the greenhouse and people within my design to develop a sense of tangibility. Furthermore, I wanted to utilise complementary colours in order to highlight Superstudio’s avant-garde style. It can also be seen that the sky is in pink with the moon being substantially larger than normal. Through utilising Superstudio’s techniques, I was able to create an ideal world where the concept was a response of the environmental context of superstudios ideals. 

My first design is vastly different in terms of the structure as its size is bigger and has a continuous overlay compared to my second.

Within my second drawing, My aim was to explore spatial configurations that will accommodate the desired energy transition and a more sustainable future. I was heavily inspired by an artist named Taudolpoi. I chose some pictures that I found with the same theme and collated them to form a sort of psycadelic/surreal analogue collage. I then further chose Taudolpoi’s works to photoshop and cut out the human elements into my final collage to enrich a sense of surrealism and habitability onto my final designs. 

A significant theme within both my artworks is the notion of sustainability through my depiction of the greenhouse. The grid critiques what Superstudio saw as the unnecessary design of contemporary urban planning. Moreover, It can be seen that a wide-open nature setting with the megastructures is prevalent in both images as a balance between ecology and urbanism. This exemplifies the potential that people have when protecting the environment. Through the critical analysis of Superstudio’s work, architects and designs are prompted to reflect on more sustainable ways of thinking, living and designing. As a result, we as humans can progress in harmony with the world around us. 


ArchDaily. (2019, December). Superstudio: The Latest Architecture and News. ArchDaily.

Baan, I. (2011). Diller Scofidio + Renfro : Institute of Contemporary Art. (ICA), 54th edition,  Ediciones Polígrafa, Barcelona.

Block I. (2020, January 28). Superstudio Aldofo Natalini. De Zeen.

Cowan, K. (2017, February 16). Andrew McGranahan's surreal & psychedelic collage art crafted from vintage magazines. Creative Boom.

Instagram. (N.a). Taudolpoi. Instagram.

Melt. (2018). Superstudio. VisualMelt.

SurrealismToday. (N.a). Surreal Collage. SurrealismToday.


Woodhouse, M. (2016, November 20). Superstudio. WhiteLies.

Design Workflows - Superstudio

Design Workflows - Superstudio


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