Profil appartenant à Jose Imanuel Ramos

A Simple Cockpit Scene

Cockpit Scene Process
Been wanting to draw something for me lately. So I started with something I love, something mecha related. Cockpit scenes are nice.
When I finished the lineart of the sketch, I decided I wanted to add little details, just to break up the blank spaces.
Honestly took me a while but I was enjoying myself.
Nothing like a small holoscreen for that little oomph.

I also attached a little story to it:


'You don't have to hover over me while I do this you know,' he said. His fingers tapped on the keypad as figures and numbers rapidly raced across the glowing screen, and his eyes were trying to follow all of them.

She smirked. 'Last time time you did the update by yourself your controls were backwards /and/ you managed to wipe out half of the safety measures installed.'

He laughed. 'You're not going to let that go any time soon, are you?'

'Not on your life.'

'Yeah, well,' he huffed and looked at the screen again. 'The readings say the Brioscopic Actuators are online, the Klein-Eisen Power Cells are all in order, and the Neodyphosphate Capacitors are all green.'

She raised an eyebrow. 'I'm honestly impressed you made up all those words by yourself and put them together in that order without getting an aneurysm.'

'I try my best.'


Jargon, am I right?
A Simple Cockpit Scene
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A Simple Cockpit Scene

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