Profil von Aseel Ghanayem

Science and Astronomical Tourism Complex.

The project won first prize in the Faculty of Architecture. (Graduation project )
الفائز بالمركز الاول بكلية العمارة - جامعة البلوتكنيك فلسطين  عام 2020
The project is located in the desert of Deir Mar seba - in the town of Al-Obaidiyah, Palestine, near the Dead Sea desert, on a semi-desert land.
The project depends on a number of environmental treatments, as the complex works with a solar cell system where solar energy has been exploited and converted into electrical energy, and it is supplied with water by collecting rainwater and collecting steam from the moist air using a number. In addition to treating gray water and using it to irrigate plants. The high temperatures were taken into account when designing the facades and using the treatments in terms of the use of sun barriers and the (dynamic facade) system, and the northwestern winds prevailing in the region were also used to cool outdoor activities.
Science and Astronomical Tourism Complex.

Science and Astronomical Tourism Complex.
