Aksel Alloway's profile

Drawing & Speculation

Throughout this project the idea shifted from topic to topic, beginning with a technological dystopia in the same vein as Superstudio's Monumento Continuo (1969), this progressed to a more cultural dystopia wherein the values of the populace have degenerated, a focus on the pitfalls of capitalism. Through the medium of collage and the techniques afforded to it, the final five images represent a criticism of the commodification of indigenous cultures and lands.

Inspiration for both the concept and methodology came from Superstudio, a radical architectural firm prominent in late 1960s Italy. Superstudio was radical in the sense that by nature, an architects work is built whereas their work was almost entirely conceptual. The work that Superstudio created was critical, of current, past and future trends, and this criticism carried over into my own work.

I created through the mixed mediums of collage and photo editing, which allowed my work to be messy yet still carry a strong message.

Throughout the works, while the stories are grim, the visual representations are made in an almost sarcastic manner. These different scenarios created with bright colours and no visually negative elements so as to highlight the absurdity of each piece.


In the first drawing, Centre, the frame is split down the middle, present-day juxtaposed with the proposed future. Alongside the composition, colour has also been used to separate the two scenes, the future's bright colours stand out when compared to the present days greatly reduced saturation levels. The cityscape has been constructed out of the default adobe suite transparent pattern to give a futuristic but familiar feel. The dated collage material contrasts with the futuristic theme reminding the viewer of the retrofuturism art movement from the 1960s. This image could potentially be an advertisement or project proposal from a futuristic building company.

Beach Day
Secondly, the image, Beach day shows two women relaxing at the beach by the twelve apostles Australian landmark. The intention is to show this usually inaccessible location interrupted by tourism, the entrance emerging from the rockface providing access on a whim for the two women. Sections of this once pristine environment have been replaced by the future texture, tourist slowly chipping away at the beautiful landscape.
The image, Atlantis details a new form of city which has been constructed on top of the great barrier reef. These cities spread out over the ocean and once again represent an untouched landscape being polluted by future humanity. Boats and planes travel back and forth between cities, and pollution spews into the ocean.
Cronulla shows development occurring off the coast of Cronulla beach, the megastructure gradually growing larger with each "brick". Beachgoers attempt to ignore what is happening, their local beach slowly being ruined by the development. Cronulla is my local area and watching it fill with more and more towering apartment blocks inspired this image, the growing problem of overdevelopment in mind.
Lastly, the image Relic shows the traditional indigenous art site Nawarla Gabarnmang destroyed and then commoditised for future tourism. The culturally significant site is now filled with a whole manner of people whom should not be there, the families and children not treating the site with the respect it deserves . Indigenous peoples are present and protesting the commodification of their traditional lands, arguments made in the 1970s still as relevant in the future as they were in their own times. 
Drawing & Speculation

Drawing & Speculation
