Refugee Week 2016 Poster Submission

"Refugees barely make an impact on Australia's numbers" 
even the 0.05% you can barely read compared to Australia's population
How many refugees does Australia take?
Australia in calendar year 2014 provided a home and new start in life to 11,970 humanitarian arrivals (refugees). This represented just under 8% of the total permanent migration into Australia for the financial year, with most of the migrants coming from the other streams such as skilled and family reunion migration. A substantial number also had the stream of migration not recorded. This percentage hovers around 8-10% of total migration most years.
So refugees made up about 10% of migration, and about 3.6% of Australia’s total population growth for the calendar year 2014. Put another way, Australia’s population in 2014 grew by 1.4% of existing population – refugees made up only 0.05% of this.

Refugees barely make an impact on Australia’s population numbers.

Thanks :)
Refugees in Australia

Refugees in Australia


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