Subscribe to My Adventure Game art

Subscribe to My Adventure is an RPG that simulates a real-life social platform where players will play as a newbie streamer who tries to gain attention and subscriptions from various adventures and progresses towards his goal of becoming a famous influencer. Players will also face many contemporary phenomena such as mob mentality, witch hunts, and echo chambers, which will reveal the fate of the kingdom step by step as the story develops.
《實況旅人》是一款模擬真實社群平台運作的關卡式 RPG。玩家在遊戲中將會扮演一位實況主在奇幻世界冒險,在一次次跟怪物戰鬥的過程中藉著開直播賺取更多的訂閱數,挑戰百萬訂閱的目標。除了在直播的過程中滿足不同觀眾的喜好,同時也要注意社群上不時發生的各種黑粉事件、反串攻擊和社會風向以免造成公關危機。
Simulation of the realistic social platform: The story is presented in a virtual social platform, which uses realistic social media software to share private messages, stories, etc. with the characters in the story.
Client // Gamtropy Co., Ltd.
Illustration and Design // Yesyo
Subscribe to My Adventure Game art


Subscribe to My Adventure Game art
