Zhenya Katashynska 的个人资料

Vsi Svoi — Visual Identity Concept. Student project

Vsi Svoi is the most popular Ukrainian platform of local brands. Every month or even more often (before the lockdown) they organize a market dedicated to one theme: Clothes & Footwear, Kids, Food, Home & Decor.

Our task was to create a visual identity, refresh the existing logo and develop a series of packages, making the products attractive for the audience.
Photo by Vsi.Svoi
Our task was to create a visual identity, refresh the existing logo and develop a series of packages, making the products attractive for the audience.

Please note: This project was a part of my student work at a 3-months Identity course at Projector School in 2017. None of the designs appearing in this project intentionally resemble any designs living or dead as I knew nothing about design in 2017. Not that I know now though.

No people were harmed in the making of this identity, except my insecure inner child. Enjoy!
I found the inspiration for a new identity exactly at the market during my visit: a lot of friendly people, colorful stalls, loud and bright environment. 
Vsi Svoi logo is inside the shape of a flag, which makes it kind of a happy symbol. I’ve tried to work with different fonts and forms, but at the end decided to leave it as it is, because it’s perfect for my concept as well.
First I found the shape which will represent the whole market concept. As many people are buying presents there — for friends, relatives, or themselves, this shape is obviously a cube. Cube as an intriguing box with surprise inside.

Graphic Constructor

Then I decided to distinguish every market from each other using colors and patterns. Of course bright, as it will awake multiple feelings and emotions to audiences in communication. Patterns became sort of graphic constructor client can use in multiple variants. 

1. Clothes & Shoes 
2. Kids
3. Food
4. Home & Decor


Packages for Clothes & Shoes market. 
A big part of the company identity is of course people, so I decided to leave the photographs in posters.
Package for Home & Decor market.
Paper Bag.
Business cards.
Package and poster for Kids market.
Package and things for Food market. Of course now I wouldn't use that plastic cup. 
Few more posters in the urban environment. 
And I made this “new shop” look, as at that time Vsi Svoi team were planning to open the physical shop. Long story short, of course they’ve opened it, not even one. Awesome! Look different. 
Hope your eyes are okay, thank you for watching!
Vsi Svoi — Visual Identity Concept. Student project

Vsi Svoi — Visual Identity Concept. Student project
