Profil appartenant à Pavla ChuykinaProfil appartenant à Arthur Schreiber

Comon Sava Wine


C O M O N   S A V A 

The phrase originates from the French greeting "Comment ça va," which closely resembles the Russian word "sova" (owl). Combined with "comon," it sounds like "come on sova" (which translates to "come on owl!"). This phonetic similarity is ideal since the main character of this pack is an owl. The interesting part is that tetra-pack wines are typically placed on lower store shelves, requiring customers to look down to see them. This makes it challenging to visualize the beautiful Italian landscapes and succulent grapes depicted on the packaging when viewing it from above!

D  E  S  I  G  N  E  R  S

3  D    D  E  S  I  G  N  E  R  S
M A X I M   K A D A S H O V   &   I V A N   Z H E R E B I N​​​​

D  E  S  I  G  N   S T U D I O

Comon Sava Wine
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Comon Sava Wine

It comes from French greeting «Comment ça va» which sounds very similar to Russian word «sova» (owl) and altogether with «comon» it sounds like « Lire la suite

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