Tasti Snak Logs
Nature's power pack

A Kiwi snacking staple since the 70s, Snak Logs were one of the first muesli bars introduced to New Zealand. Unique in size, shape and recipe, these bars are packed with honest ingredients and natural energy.

The previous livery which was heavily influenced by its heritage was getting lost amongst the growing ‘energy’ category – with more modern offerings presenting cleaner and bolder product propositions.

Our refresh focused on amplifying its existing proposition of ‘Nature’s power pack’. Retaining the iconic ingredient explosion and decluttering the pack, the sub-brand becomes the dominant message; communicating energy through sheer size. Upon relaunch, this small but mighty product range literally shouts on-shelf.

Range of work: Packaging
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Tasti Snak Logs


Tasti Snak Logs
