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Las llamas del sol

Fotografía de NachoArmentera

"The Birthday" / "El cumpleaños"
Marc Chagall
MoMA, Nueva York (EEUU)
Pintura, óleo. 80 x 100 cm. 
Pintura para
"Las llamas del sol", 2019
Directed by Pepe Sapena. 
A principios de 2019 unas alumnas de la escuela de cine de Madrid, ECAM,
me contactaron para ver si quería participar en un cortometraje.

Mi trabajo era crear una reinterpretación a mi estilo de la obra de Chagall "El cumpleaños" (1915) cuadro que inspira la historia, localizada en un museo. 

Es ahí donde, a raíz del visionado de esta pieza, una pareja comienza a debatir sobre las relaciones y sus propias visiones del amor
"The Birthday was painted by Chagall in 1915 just a few weeks before he and Bella married. The painting is a wonderful expression of the amazing, flowing and powerful love these two shared. Chagall is pictured flowing and dream-like, floating above Bella. His head is unrealistically craned upside down and backward as he twists around to kiss his future wife on the mouth.

Bella is depicted holding a cheerful bouquet of flowers and also floating in the air, as if just lifting off. The couple is suspended in loving bliss in a bright living room setting dominated below by a vivid red carpet. The painting is balanced above by the ivory, beige and tans of the living room furniture and wall decorations.

As in The Birthday, Chagall's art of the time is executed mostly in the Cubist or Expressionist styles. The painting is a marvelous creation which powerfully conveys that feeling of euphoric love between young lovers in a blissful yet ordinary setting that seems to ooze happiness out of every square inch of canvas."

Pruebas de color y estilo a partir del boceto definitivo para aprobar la paleta definitiva. 
dibujo previo a la pintura 
pintura sin bastidor
imágenes del cortometraje
Las llamas del sol

Las llamas del sol


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