Shiuan Avin's profile

Sweet Fragrance 萃香

Sweet Fragrance
We believe the connotation is the symbolization of the image. We keep the essence and the value of flower in order to make the aesthetic food by the fragrance and beauty. We provoke the taste by fresh and elegant smell of Jasmine , chrysanthemum and Osmanthust to associate with the brand "Sweet Fragrance", and to extend its life.

"Sweet Fragrance," infused into the connotation of the culture by flowers,symbolize the eastern culture with its simple and elegant style, and contain the spirit of the eastern culture and the modern design, presenting the “heart” quality of life for the new oriental boutique to make your life closer to the natural, and feeling the temperature of life from the products. We show the new life of flowers through the design and refined process, telling the sensation and tension from the staid culture. We wish to give people not only the full experience and interest of life, but also the savor the life and mental vibration.

現代人在忙碌生活中,開始注重用餐的時間與氣氛,一邊用餐一邊聊天,放鬆工作一天的疲憊心情;也經常與親友們相聚,共度午茶時光。懂得享受當下,享受生活,花點巧思為生活增添趣味,難怪整個空氣中,瀰漫著幸福的花香氛圍,讓每個人的臉上洋溢幸福笑容    “萃香 Sweet Fragrance”品牌 獻給知性又優雅的您,一整個給好的午茶時光。
Sweet Fragrance 萃香

Sweet Fragrance 萃香

帶動台灣花茶品年輕化的潮流,創立「Sweet Fragrance」萃香形象品牌,以搭配時尚創意的包裝與行銷手法,讓新穎形象帶出花香,證明[新]與[舊]的結合就是最提升文化且深具意義的Sweet Fragrance品牌內涵。
