Yurii Slavinskyi 님의 프로필

Vector illustrations for "Ranenko"

Illustrations for "Ranenko"
"Ranenko" is an online baby goods store. Here you can find all the necessary things for newborns and especially for babies born prematurely or with low weight.
The main category of goods is clothes of our own production. We offer a wide range of baby clothing sizes (38 to 50 sizes), which is usually suitable for infants weighing 1-3 kilos respectively. In addition, we manufacture special baby care products (Kangaroo tops, liners, positioners, pillows, NICU covers). All our products have been developed together with preemies parents and neonatologists.
I have worked with Ranenko to help them create video explainer for their customers and partners. I've created all illustrations for the video and i hope it will help Ranenko create warm and safe conditions for more premature babies.  
Thank you for your attention!
Vector illustrations for "Ranenko"

Vector illustrations for "Ranenko"
