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Medicare Consulting Services at Healthcare Navigation

Find Medicare Consulting Services at Healthcare Navigation
Medicare consulting service
As people approach the age of 65, they may want to consider looking for Medicare consulting services that will help them meet Medicare enrollment deadlines and properly enroll in the appropriate Medicare plan that best suits their healthcare needs as they age.

Failing to meet Medicare enrollment deadlines, or selecting a Medicare plan or secondary coverage that doesn’t fit their current healthcare needs can have long-term consequences and, in some cases, can’t be reversed. The result can be gaps in health coverage or lifetime premium penalties.

Hiring a company that provides Medicare consulting services will reduce the risk of missing deadlines or making bad enrollment decisions. One such company is Healthcare Navigation of Darien, CT. Healthcare Navigation provides impartial and objective consulting services for individuals who are approaching age 65, or companies who have employees who are approaching retirement age.

Features of Healthcare Navigation’s Medicare consulting services include preparing forms and managing the various enrollments associated with Medicare and Medicare-related products, advice on which plans, secondary plans or drug coverages to select, projecting premiums associated with the plans you are considering and projecting any out-of-pocket expenses you may incur.

If you’re approaching age 65 and need help enrolling in Medicare, call Healthcare Navigation today at 203.655.2614 or visit their website at to find more information on their services.
Medicare Consulting Services at Healthcare Navigation

Medicare Consulting Services at Healthcare Navigation


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