Amelia Earhart was the first woman to make a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. She was also the first aviator to fly solo from Honolulu to Oakland. What you didn’t know is that she started out as a nurse.
During the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 she worked night shifts until she became a patient herself. She endured multiple procedure throughout her life due to sinus pressure on her eyes. In a time before antibiotics, she had to wear a bandage over her cheek to hid a drainage tube. Anyone whose been on a plane can tell you how awful sinus pressure is at changing altitudes. But that did not slow her down.
She worked odd jobs to save up $1000 for flying lessons...from a woman! Anita Snook, her mentor and the first woman to run her own aviation business and air field. As she learned, Amelia slept in her leather jacket to give it a “worn in” look, hoping to prevent male pilots from making fun of her. She became the first president of The Ninety-Nines, an organization dedicated to women in Aviation. Through all of her groundbreaking achievements she was dedicated to lifting up other women. When I think of her I remember, as a team, we can fly.

