Perfil de Lonnie Busch

Friendship & Love_Brosway

This Brosway animation was one of the most fun projects I think I have ever worked on. Below I have included some test animations, screenshots of the bird texturing, a rough animatic, as well as showing the numerous C4D files and render folders for this project.​​​​​​​

The entire project took between 3 to 4 weeks. (of very long days!)
Below is the rough animatic. The sketches were from my storyboard which I did on a legal pad. The animatic and sketches (yes, they are very rough) were for my eyes only, basically to map out the action so I would know how many "sets" I needed to construct inside Cinema 4D. It also served to time out the scenes with the music.
This is a test of the snow, trying to capture the sparkles in a convincing way. The effect is subtle so watch closely!
Just a few screenshots to show the bird texturing, as well as the file folders filled with C4D files and renders. All the scenes were rendered as Tiff Image Sequences, then composited in After Effects. The size of the project, with all the assets and C4D files and test renders like the one above, weighed in at over 90 GBs.
The music for the Brosway piece was provided by the client. The Christmas Story and Fun on Christmas​​​​​​​, beautiful compositions created by Alex Khaskin.

Hope you enjoyed the mini-tour!
Friendship & Love_Brosway

Friendship & Love_Brosway
