I wanted to be an astronomer, now I am becoming a physicist.
I wanted to be a cowboy, now I am sutying agriculture.
I wanted to be a dancer, now I am a studying to become a physical therapist
I wanted to be a D.J, now I am studying to be an accountant.
I wanted to be a mountaineer.
Now I am a writer and a professor.
I wanted to be a lawyer, now I studying chemistry. 
I wanted to be a lumberjack, now I am studying to become a mechanical engineer. 
I wanted to become a mother, now I am due in two weeks and studying art. 
I wanted to be a forester.
Now I am a photographer and a professor.
I wanted to be a teacher, now I am studying health care. 
I wanted to be a veterinarian, now I am studying journalism.
I wanted to be a zoo keeper, now I am studying horticulture. 
What I Wanted to Be

What I Wanted to Be

What each person wanted to be when they grew up in comparison to what they are accomplishing now.
