Perfil de Michel Verdu

Les Pierres de Coba - Board game visual development

Les Pierres de Coba (The Stones of Coba) is a french dice game created by Antonin Boccara and developed by Old Chap games. I had the chance of make the visual development for this dice game: character design, Illustrations , icons, logo and more! Based on the mayan  mythology, You will meet the Aluxes, creatures of the jungle that will present you different challenges. Your mission? Beat them in their own game! 

Each of your stones represents a member of Mayan society, and for each challenge, you will need to divide your dice into two groups of equal value. But the dice faces have powers that will change their value or that of their neighbors depending on the situation.
You will discover your quest through a 56-page adventure booklet, which will present you, with each challenge, a legend linked to the universe of Mayan society.
All the artworks are property of Old Chap Games

Cover Design
Welcome to the jungle! Play with the  Aluxes, solve to the challenges!
Character Design
Meet the Aluxes, guardian of the jungle. Some are Friendly, others mischief, the elders too serious. At the end you will encounter the mighty KUKULKAN, the feathered Snake God! 
Sacred stone doors
The doors to each area represented by mayan glyphs
Packaging and Promo
Finally all together in a pretty little box!
play the demo HERE!
Les Pierres de Coba - Board game visual development


Les Pierres de Coba - Board game visual development
