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Folk Culture of Rajasthan in Art Deco Style.

Vector Illustration of Folk Culture of Rajasthan in famous art style 
" Art Deco Outline ".

The Jaisalmer Desert Festival is an annual event that take place in February month in the beautiful city Jaisalmer.
It is held in the Hindu month of Magh (February), three days prior to the full moon. The festival is celebrated amidst the beautiful dunes of the Thar Desert in the Sam dunes (42 kilometers from Jaisalmer). Romantic, remote and unspoiled, the location comes to life during the three day extravaganza of the delights of the desert.


Rajasthan is the largest producer of handicraft items in India.The art and craft of Rajasthan is known around the world. Tourists visiting India always desire to take back souvenirs of Rajasthani handicrafts. Many bright colored and patterned crafts of the state are used to adorn household as interior decoration. Whereas there are other crafts that produces utility products of daily use, garments, accessories and miscellaneous items.

" MAHARANA PRATAP - King of Mewar "

Maharana Pratap was a renowned Rajput warrior and a king of Mewar, Rajasthan, in north-western India.
One of the greatest Rajput warriors,
he is recognised for resisting the attempts of the Mughal ruler Akbar to conquer his territory. Unlike the other neighbouring Rajput rulers, Maharana Pratap repeatedly refused to submit to the mighty Mughals and continued fighting courageously till his last breath. A symbol of Rajput gallantry, diligence and valour, he was the only Rajput warrior to take on the might of Akbar, the Mughal Emperor.
For all his courage, sacrifice and fiercely independent spirit, he is honoured as a hero in Rajasthan.

" KAALBELIYA DANCE " of Rajasthan.

The Kaalbeliya is a dance form that is associated with a Rajasthani tribe of the same name. The Dance form consists of swirling, graceful movements that make this dance a treat to behold. The movements associated with this dance also makes it one of the most sensuous forms of folk dance in India.


 Tradition and culture of any community are expressed by its attire. Every traditional attire has its own beautiful journey which signifies its glorious history. And while talking about the glorious history, Rajputi Poshak is one of them. Rajputi Poshak is royal attire which is worn majorly in Rajasthan only, and it can also be said as a Rajasthani Poshak. With the evolution of time, the grace of this attire increased immensely.
" RURAL LIFE - Rajasthan "

The villages in Rajasthan have their own unique charm. You can observe the most simple form of lifestyle here. It is rather difficult to spot a village till you actually step upon it.
People in the villages learn to survive even in the most difficult situations of life. They follow simple living pattern that has been unchanged over the years. The people live in circular huts with thatched roofs and walls covered with plaster of clay, hay and cow dung.


Ghoomar is a traditional folk dance of Rajasthan. It was Bhil tribe who performed it to worship Goddess Sarasvati which was later embraced by other Rajasthani communities. The dance is chiefly performed by veiled women who wear flowing dresses called ghaghara.
"TEEJ FESTIVAL" of Rajasthan.

Teej welcomes the monsoon and observed in the month of July/August. Swings are hung from trees and women get dressed & songs songs in celebration of the advent of the monsoon.
Folk Culture of Rajasthan in Art Deco Style.

Folk Culture of Rajasthan in Art Deco Style.

