Ped Panlilio's profile

Evil Local Politicians

Si Congressman
This is Congressman the devious little bastard who would promise you everything and once'll get negelcted... he enjoys gambling, drug trafficking and a little cassual pedophilic sex.. what a guy... please vote for him this upcoming election for a brighter filipino future [:D]
Si Mayor
This is Mr. Mayor, a respected man people looks up to him...cause if they dont...well you'll just get ambushed.. he is a well rounded man from drugs at the back of the city hall to assasinating enemies,,, he will do everything to win the election..he will not just tamper with the ballots he will even hire someone to eliminate for him [:D]  
Evil Local Politicians

Evil Local Politicians

Illustrations i did for the EXPERT section of MAXIM PHILIPPINES- MAY 2007 issue.
