CELLOPHANE mag's profile

CELLOPHANE Magazine, issue #1 : In Transition

CELLOPHANE is an independent & student-led magazine.

Designed by students from Designskolen Kolding, the magazine transmits
a critical voice and experimental approach, creating an alternative
to publications produced by the institution.

CELLOPHANE represents the values of transparency & diversity in thoughts and contents. 

Its very first issue was released in December 2018 entitled “In Transition.”
Finding a cross-thematic title that reflects the “zeitgeist” is fundamental
to constantly connect CELLOPHANE to the times we live in.
To interpret the moment of great and immanent change, the title is also translated in its atypical format.

The magazine puts the reader in a loop of three sections named “Input,”“Output,” & “Insights.”
Starring a wide variety of articles, sharing inspiration and awareness about the most relevant
topics of our age, to articles focused on the design industry. The last section focuses on showcasing
the most interesting design projects made by the students.
CELLOPHANE Magazine therefore creates a new platform for exploring
& displaying the potential of today’s design youth.
CELLOPHANE Magazine, issue #1 : In Transition

CELLOPHANE Magazine, issue #1 : In Transition

Cellophane is an independent & student-led magazine designed by students at Designskolen Kolding. The magazine transmits a critical voice and exp Read More
