Laura Caseley 님의 프로필

Border Community Alliance Illustrations, 2020

Border Community Alliance is a nonprofit organization based in Tubac, AZ, and seeks to foster cultural exchange and understanding through educational programs in the border regions between the US and Mexico. They needed three illustrations for their website. 
As usual, I start everything off with a concept sketch, just the imagery that comes to mind based on the assignments. I chose to use their logo colors, but also to bring in some colors that reflected the local natural landscape. 
This image was to be used for their Community page, and so I wanted it to reflect diversity as well as the region. The background was inspired by a post on BCA's social media celebrating Sonora that worked really well with the color scheme I was going for. Their Instagram was a wealth of inspiration. 
Originally, the plan was to have the hands holding money, signifying the various programs their donations would go to. But I scrapped the money part because I thought it looked a bit cold, like throwing money at something rather than actually supporting and nurturing it. I used more imagery from BCA's site and social media to capture the ideas of exploration, cuisine, culture, and nature. 
Another vista inspired by BCA's actual programs, this one focused on Alamos, illustrates the cultural education programs offered by BCA, which cover local history and points of interest, as well as the unique cultural character of different regions. 
Border Community Alliance Illustrations, 2020


Border Community Alliance Illustrations, 2020


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