Conceptual reflection on the spatial challenges of tomorrow in relation to the current crisis as contribution for “Desired Spaces” digital exhibition project made by the Brussels centre for architecture and landscape (CIVA), the Vlaams architectuur instituut (VAi) and the Institut Culturel d’Architecture Wallonie-Bruxelles (ICA).
“Going through life, we have no idea where we can find ourselves tomorrow. We strive for the goal but do not know how to achieve it. We can stray from our path, risking to be in a dead-end. We rack our brains: which way to choose? The symbol of our life is a maze. The path through the labyrinths is long, complex, and confusing. Like human life....”

For the last years, humankind has adapted to deal with limited mobility situations, and after the experience of numerous quarantines, it was decided to develop a network of labyrinths on the city canvas with optimal paths for each resident.
The labyrinth performs an extreme of how architecture transforms spatial proximities by the arrangement of boundaries and connections. Such a space would provide a tranquil movement of citizens to the desired destination with the appropriate observance of the distance, excluding any intersections of paths. One way in the maze can be used by one citizen at a certain time.
The only drawback of such an urban canvas of labyrinths is the non- proportional number of paths to the number of city residents. Therefore, each citizen must definitely book his way in the maze, or even a few for the whole day in advance!

Don't forget to book your own path in the maze!
Maze of nowadays


Maze of nowadays
