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ACU - Automated Content Update

Everyone's Problem
It needs at least one dedicated person
For a radio station, especially those that are still in the small to medium scale, their staff will usually have a pretty occupied work-load on their shoulder. If having a website meaning to have to manually create or transfer content from their usual social media post, this will be somewhat a burden that brings no additional value to the table.
Some interface are not made for humans
Not all website's internal system interface are made for humans, sometimes they are disguised as a stiff data form need to be filled in order for the system to understand the input. This makes the human at all times unhappy.

Radio Station Website
This is one of Redaco's project to revitalize how a radio station's front page website should look and behave to make every stakeholders feel at ease. This includes the managements, broadcasters, and of course the listeners. The feature that we're going to tell you is part of this project.
Automated Content Update
It automates the process of transferring posted content from social media to be mapped to the website's content structure. It will not act as just a mere content embedding, instead, it will integrate nicely to the website's internal content structure.
Make managing your website's content easier with this automated mechanism, powered by ACU. This way, just post regularly at your selected social media channels, ACU will handle the rest of the website content updating activities.
Everyday users are presented with content from various sources, It’s important for content makers to provide more quantity to their audience. Automatic Content Updates can simplify updating content on your website by integrating your social media content and automatically posting directly to the website.

Our Solution to the Problem
No need for dedicated content administrator
Since everything has been handled automatically by the ACU system in the background, you can just focus on producing content at your social media and the website's content will update in realtime.
Make humans happy
People love social media, people hate filling stiff-looking complicated data form. Make them do social media, ACU will handle the boring stuff.

ACU - Automated Content Update

ACU - Automated Content Update

Automated Content Update (ACU) is one main feature of a website project developed by Redaco for a radio station company. Allowing the content adm Read More
