Environment and Interior Design (PolyU)'s profile

Framing History of Hong Kong | CHOU Yu Hsuan, Roy

Capstone Project
Framing History of Hong Kong: Through Theatrical Technics

By: CHOU Yu Hsuan, Roy  | Tutor: Gerhard Bruyns
Framing History of Hong Kong consists out of 4 main parts: The first part looks at the spatial technologies and stage technics used in theatres throughout history. Herein the research focusses on the visual manipulations used in the stage technics and their display toward spectators.

The second part highlights the important sections of Hong Kong’s history. Inspired by the previous research, the design narrates a number of stories using theatrical technics, framing the specific angle of the city, optimizing and maximizing the characters of certain stages of history and how they are used in theatre scenes. 

In combining these two parts, the third part creates the immersive experience from the first-person perspective. By producing different forms of headwear, googles and lenses whilst uses features and functions inspired by theatrical technics, the project delivers optical illusions or other visualizations of space. 

Part four, the last part unfolds each headpiece, expanding the spatial techniques into technical drawings in parallel research work, working mechanisms and experiential functionalities.
Framing History of Hong Kong | CHOU Yu Hsuan, Roy