Hazel Voon's profile

Quarantine Outfits

Quarantine Outfits

I am a person who loves fashion and enjoys dressing up. During my time in quarantine, I figured out a creative way to show my outfits (mostly thrifted in the photos below) without actually leaving the house. This is more of a fun project for myself; to let loose of my creativity while being stuck at home. Each photo represents my mood or thoughts that inspired me at the time each artwork was done.
1) More Self Love
This artwork was done to serve as a reminder that I should always remember to love myself even during the bad times. 

2) London
I was very much into Honne's "La La La That's How It Goes" with this one. It made me feel very happy. I also imagined myself in the streets of London wearing this outfit.

3) Spring in France
I had just seem 2 films that I love dearly which were Little Women and Call Me By Your Name; and that had inspired me to create this. The vintage dress that I wore in this photo was a Christmas gift from my cousin and it reminded me of spring time in Europe (I've never been but I can only Photoshop myself there). 

4) Jacquemus
During my school years, I lowkey wanted to be a model. I had just seen the Jacquemus L'amour Summer/Spring 2021 runway show on Youtube ; which inspired me to create this artwork. I felt that the outfit I put together was fitting for the concept, so I decided to Photoshop myself into the show too (so I'd like to think). 
Quarantine Outfits

Quarantine Outfits
