About the brand: F45 fitness is a global fitness brand, boasting one of the largest gym memberships in the world. They’re focused on providing ‘functional’ full-body workouts and provide significant improvements in fitness, energy, endurance, stamina, strength and metabolic rate.

What they needed: F45 Fitness Centre in Hyderabad wanted to carry-over the brand identity into the city. Australian star cricketer, Brett Lee was hired to be the brand ambassador of F45 Training India. Amidst all this, we had to provide them with ample marketing material to promote their brand.

How we helped: When the ambassador was in town, we held a photoshoot with him. In the process, we covered every nook and corner of the gym directly and indirectly, feeding the facilities and features offered by the gym, to drill it in the subconscious of the viewers. 
We brought out the key traits of F45 Training. This involved using your own body as a tool to work itself, the involvement of fellow members and coaches in the fitness process in the form of encouragement and support, fun, hard-work, dynamic movements and the fatigue and satisfaction at the end of the session. Out photo and video shoots promptly captured all these traits vividly and we were able to deliver them ample marketing material that really helped with their campaign.

