Love Kiang's profile

Milove - Web Design

Everyone loves Milo so here comes Milove.
Milove website is designed for educate people there are different ways to enjoy Milo. The logo of Milove consists of a big M inside a L shape graphic and two legs formed by character K. Character M stand for Milove whereas L & K is designer name, Love Kiang.

The warm colour palette for this website gives out an organic vibes. Dark brown colour from Milo is the main colour and the others are light yellow, light brown and beige colour. In this website, there are 3 different recipe that you can make using Milo.
They are Milo Marshmallow, Milo Ice Cream and Milo Toast. 

There are total 7 pages created — home page, about page, contact page, recipe page and 3 different tutorial pages — Milo Marshmallow, Milo Ice Cream and Milo Toast.
Milove website is created using paper art style. Paper art brings out the organic feeling and it creates a warm atmosphere. It looks more fun than actual product photography. All paper arts are crafted based on the content.

Unlike the products, titles are graphic with layering effects to make sure audience can notice the titles quickly. Similar warm colour palette is applied to titles to blend in the graphic titles into paper art style.
Milove website is a responsive website that you can view on any devices. This is how the website look like when it’s on the screen of tablet and smart-phone.
Milove - Web Design


Milove - Web Design
